using variables in another page

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

I have a test database set up on localhost. I have a form that I can type a name into, hit the button and it puts the name into the database and into a list on my page. it works fine. Now, I wanted to make a drop down list with all the names so that you could select one to remove that name from the database. So I did this

Code: [Select]<form>
<option><?php echo $name ?></option>

What that did was list the very last name in the list. What I thought it would do was list all the names based on the loop that I have set up to read all the names from the database. which is this

Code: [Select]$mysql = new mysqli('localhost', 'myusername', 'mypass', 'mydatabase') or die('not working');

$result = $mysql->query("SELECT * FROM myTable") or die($mysql->error);

while($row = $result->fetch_object())
$name = $row->names;
echo $name . "<br />";

Now the while loop is in a file I called results and it is included in the index page with an include. I thought this would give me access to the $name variable and allow me to use it the same way it's being used in the loop. of course I was wrong, so how do I use it the same way?

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