Government's mega plan to curb pollution, in this way the smoke of vehicles will end

Posted on 11th Nov 2021 by rohit kumar

A major source of air pollution is the smoke from vehicles. This has been confirmed in the report of IIT Kanpur. According to the report, the share of smoke from vehicles in the total pollution in Delhi is 36 percent. The government aims to have 30% of all vehicles sold in the country electric by 2030. The government has made a mega plan to find a solution to the problem of pollution. In this, along with increasing the sales of electric vehicles, attention has been started on options of petrol and diesel. Under this, electric roads will also be built in the country. Its purpose is to eliminate pollution on the one hand and to encourage electric vehicles on the other. With the construction of these roads, the level of pollution can also be reduced, then the vehicles will also be charged on the roads.


the road will be built here


One lane e-highway will be on the Delhi-Mumbai Expressway being built for one lakh crore. This e-lane will be about 1300 km long. This will reduce the logistics cost by up to 70 percent. Nitin Gadkari has told that the same technology will be used on these e-roads, with the same technology that e-highways have been made in Germany. Siemens is building the E-road in both Germany and India.


Siemens first built a road with this technology in May 2019 in the city of Frankfurt, Germany. There are huge electric cables on this six-mile-long road. These cables carry a current of 670 volts. Electric trucks passing under these recharge their batteries by taking energy from these cables. Vehicles will be able to run at a speed of 120 km per hour on these roads and pollution will also be very less.


This technique will be used


According to the Transport Research Laboratory, there are mainly three technologies used in electric roads. First, there is a power line on top of the vehicles as it happens in India. At the same time, electricity is also supplied from the tracks or underground coils on the ground. Overhead cables are the most advanced technology, but are not effective for non-commercial vehicles as the height of the car is very low and they will not be able to draw energy from the cables at the top, whereas for e-trucks these cables will be accessible. At the same time, electricity from the ground like rail will easily get more energy. At the same time, less power will be available in the technology of charging coil and more equipment will also be used.


If the transport improves, the air will also be better


According to a report by UMass (The Massachusetts Undergraduate Journal of the Economy), about 500,000 electric vehicles of various types will be on the roads if government policies meet their 25 percent target in electric vehicle purchases by 2024.


This will reduce about 159 tonnes of PM 2.5 and 4.8 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions in Delhi. This will reduce the lifetime CO2 emissions by about one lakh petrol cars. We have to promote public transport so that people leave their vehicles at home.


Traffic emissions will double by 2050. But if we make the vehicles of the cities electric, then the emission of carbon dioxide from the traffic in the cities can be reduced by 70 percent. At the same time, the total pollution of cities will also be reduced by 50 percent. This has been claimed in a new report of the World Economy Forum.


Electric vehicles reduce pollution


The number of electric vehicles on the road has increased rapidly in the recent past. Increasing the number of these vehicles is good for your health as compared to petrol and diesel. In a study by the University of Toronto, Canada, it has come to the fore that the increase in electric vehicles on the roads will improve your health. Researchers from the University of Toronto have developed a model and studied how the increasing number of electric vehicles has reduced pollutants in the air. This will reduce the deaths due to air pollution every year.


According to Marianne Hetzopoulou, associate professor in the Department of Civil and Mineral Engineering at the University of Toronto, who led this research, the problem of air pollution in urban areas directly affects the health of the people living there. He said that due to the increase in the number of electric vehicles, there is a decrease in nitrogen oxides and particulate matter in the air. This makes the air quality much better. This has a direct impact on the lives of the people.


About 14,600 people die prematurely in Canada every year due to air pollution. In this, about 3,000 deaths occur in the Greater Toronto Hamilton Area. Narendra Saini, chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Delhi Medical Council, says that due to excessive pollution in the air, there is a bad effect on health. Due to the different chemicals and particulate matter present in the air, many problems can arise in people including asthma, hypertension, blood pressure, headache, burning eyes, skin allergies, etc. PM 2.5 are very small particles that can reach your blood with the breath. This can lead to many difficulties. Living in excess pollution can also cause problems like a heart attack.


money will be saved


Marianne Hetzopoulou created a model by which she showed that increasing electric vehicles compared to petrol and diesel could improve people's health by improving air quality while also saving millions of dollars in health spending every year. Huh. He said that the results of this research were quite surprising. He said that simply replacing a petrol or diesel vehicle with an electric vehicle would bring health and social benefits of $10,000 to the country. It will not only benefit the car buyer but every person living in that city.




To promote electric vehicles, the government is now also working on building an electric road. These roads supply energy to the vehicles moving on them so that the vehicles do not have to stop somewhere to recharge.


E-roads built in these countries


Overhead power lines have been used in road transport in Germany since 1882. According to 2018 figures, there are 300 such trolleybuses in Berlin. Apart from this, e-roads have been built in the UK in Korea, Sweden, New Zealand. Whereas in Tel Aviv, the recently built E-road is supplied with electricity through coils laid under the road.

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