simple script won't work. Please help

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

I'm new to php, and I am having trouble displaying a simple script in my web browser. My php code executes fine but the html tags in my script are treated as text and displayed on the page.

This is myscript:


print “Opening the connection to the database server< br />”;

$link = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "password");

print " Selecting a database< br />" ;

$result = mysql_select_db( "databasename" ) ;

if ( $result )


print " Database selected successfully< br />";




print " There was a problem with the database
selection< br />" ;



This is the output:

Opening the connection to the database server< br /> Selecting a database< br /> Database selected successfully< br />

Why are the html tags being displayed in the output?

I'm using:

php 5.3.1
apache 2.2.12
mysql 5.0.88

on fedora 10.

Any help would be much appreciated.


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