Why does this file not return file names that start with numbers?

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

This file returns a list of filenames to help populate a drop down in my form. For some reason it ignores any file names that begin with numbers, could anyone please tell my why and show me how to solve it?

Code: <?php
function buildFileList5($theFolder, $value) {
// Execute code if the folder can be opened, or fail silently
if ($contents = @ scandir($theFolder)) {
// initialize an array for matching files
$found = $output = array();
// Create an array of file types
$fileTypes = array('jpg','jpeg','gif','png','JPG');
// Traverse the folder, and add filename to $found array if type matches
$found = array();
foreach ($contents as $item) {
$fileInfo = pathinfo($item);
if (array_key_exists('extension', $fileInfo) && in_array($fileInfo['extension'],$fileTypes)) {
$found[] = $item;
// Check the $found array is not empty
if (!empty($found)) {
// Sort in natural, case-insensitive order, and populate menu
//$selectedImage = ""; //default image
foreach ($found as $filename){
$sel = ""; //reset $sel
$selectedImage = ""; //default image
if($value == $filename) {
$sel = "selected="selected"";
$selectedImage = $filename;
$output[] = "<option value="$filename" $sel>$filename</option>n";
return (empty($output) ? '<option value="-1">No Items Found in `'.$theFolder.'`</option>' : '<option value="-1">Please select an Item</option'."n".join("n",$output));
Thanks a million for any help on this

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