Not just Corona, eight other viruses have come with people from abroad

Posted on 27th May 2020 by rohit kumar

Corona virus alone has not come to India from other countries of the world including China. Those who have returned to India from abroad have 8 more respiratory viruses. This is revealed in a study of Indian scientists. In which it has been appealed to the government to include screening of other viruses in the screening of those coming to India.


When scientists from Kerala and Pune-based National Institute of Virology (NIV) started studying a sample of 362 people who came to India between January and February, 84 of them have been found infected. Out of which only 4 people got SARS corona virus.

Other types of respiratory viruses have been found in others, which have similar symptoms. However, scientists say it is a respiratory tract infection. Some of these have already been found in India. If the precaution is not taken then these infections can also be harmful.

362 samples for screening at different airports in the country

Between 22 January and 29 February, 362 samples were taken during screening at various airports in the country. If they were RT-PCR tested, 3 Kerala and 1 Delhi resident were found infected. These four were the first Corona infected patients of the country who have now returned home after recovering.


However, influenza A, B, human coronavirus, rhinovirus, adeno and para influenza virus have also been found in others. One or more respiratory-related viruses have been found in 84 people. Another 10 people had co-infection and the remaining 278 negative. Corona virus is also an infection associated with the respiratory system. The effect of infection has been found in people aged 41 to 50.

Seven groups had studied ...

According to scientist Dr Varsha Potdar, Kapha was the predominant symptom in 57 positive people. 48 people had fever, 42 had throat pain, 29 had a cold. Antivirals in 12 of the infected samples and antibiotics in 31 samples have also been found. This study was done to detect infections other than corona in people coming from outside. According to the study, samples taken from January 22 to February 7 were the most infected. Scientists in seven groups, including the National Influenza Center, have completed the study.


These infections can also be harmful if precautions are not taken.


This is the main virus found in people

Influenza A

This virus has been found in 25 passengers. It is also known by the name of flu. It directly attacks the respiratory system. It starts with Khasi, cold and mild fever. If left unnoticed, this disease takes a fatal form.


Influenza B

Like A, there is influenza virus which is found in 7 people. However, the virus is slow in comparison.


Human coronavirus

This virus has been found in 21 people. So far, 7 types of coronavirus have been found in the world. But what is going on now is different from this.


Rhino virus

This virus has been found in 15 people from abroad. Like Covid-19, its effect also appears after 5 days. Flu-like symptoms are found.


Adino virus

This virus has been found in four people. Symptoms of this virus are also cold, cold fever etc. However, taking precautions can be avoided.


Para Influenza (PIV)

This infection usually occurs in winter. This virus has been found in 10 people. Its symptoms are similar to other types of flu.



This respiratory infection was found in 6 people. Symptoms include shortness of breath or shortness of breath.



Human metafinomy virus is found in two people. It can cause upper or lower respiratory disease. This virus can take serious forms when immunity is weak.

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