Taiwan bluntly to China: Defense Minister said: If Chinese aircraft enter the border, now they will answer

Posted on 7th Oct 2022 by rohit kumar

Taiwan seems to be taking a tough stand on the increasing infiltration of China at its border. Taiwan's Defense Minister Chiu Kuo-cheng has said that he will retaliate against the entry of Chinese drones and fighter jets on his country's border.


In a meeting of the National Defense Committee held on Wednesday, Cheng said - If Chinese drones or fighter aircraft come into our border, it will be considered an attack. However, he did not say how he would respond to this attack by China. According to him, retaliatory action will be taken.


Taiwan changed policy


Taiwan had earlier decided that it would not take action until the first attack from China took place. But, the policy has changed. Now if Chinese drones or aircraft come within the limits of Taiwan airspace, then retaliation will be taken considering it as an air strike.


Taiwan's President Tsai Ing-Wen also called for retaliatory action against China earlier this year. Wayne said, "We are not in favor of fighting or arguing. But if there is an attack from China, we are ready to retaliate.


China wants to annex Taiwan to its border


Taiwan is less than 177 kilometers from the coast of China. For the last 70 years, there is an independent rule in both places. Despite this, China wants to make this island it's part. The President of China has said that they must reunite Taiwan with China.


The deputy director of China's Central Intelligence Agency had also said that he did not want to include Taiwan by force or military pressure. But his focus is on creating an army that will be able to include Taiwan in China's border by 2027.


The tension between the two increased in the last few years.


Tensions between China and Taiwan have increased over the past decade. On August 2 this year, US Parliament Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan. After this, China started military exercises near the Taiwan border. During this exercise, 22 fighters and 4 warships of China entered the border of Taiwan. These included jet fighters like Sukhoi Su-30, Shenyang J-11, and Shenyang J-16. After this both, the countries became completely face-to-face.


Taiwan trusts America


The US has assured help to Taiwan in case of trouble. At the moment, he is giving weapons to Taiwan on a large scale. US President Joe Biden has already said that the US military will stand with Taiwan if war breaks out. According to US intelligence, China has started preparing an army to occupy Taiwan. He considers Taiwan a part of his One China policy. However, he never admitted this openly.

Also Read: China-Taiwan Tension: Taiwan's Defense Minister alleges, China crossed the middle line and broke the agreement

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