Seeds Of Growth

Posted on 1st Jul 2020 by rohit kumar

Water the seed, and a plant will grow.

Feed the plant, and a tree will grow.

Give a tree room, and it will bloom.

A seed to a plant,

A plant to a tree,

A boy to a man,

A man to a father.

Care for the boy, and the man will grow.

Teach the man, and a father will grow.

I see my boys.

I see my joy.

Care for my boys, and I, the man, will grow.

Teach me, my boys, and your father will grow.

You can't have the tree without the plant.

You can't have the plant without the seed.

I can't be a father without being a man.

I, the man, can't be a father without my boys.

The cycle of life.

The man, the boys, the father.

The seed, the plant, the tree.

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