displaying unknown amount of results

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

I am reading a directory and getting a list of folders in the directory, I want to display the folders in a table which is 6 columns of results across by how ever may rows, here is the code I am using now which gets the folders and displays the table correctly, but it is currently only displaying the first result in an infinite loop.

Code: <?php
$d='action'; #define which dir you want to read
$dir = opendir($d); #open directory
while ($f = readdir($dir)) {
/* echo '<a href="'.$f.'/index.htm" target="_parent"><img src="'.$d.'/'.$f.'/folder.jpg" border="0"></a>
'; */
if ($f!="." && $f!=".." && (!is_file($f))) {
echo '<table cellspacing="5" cellpadding="4" align="center">';
$tdcount = 1;
while ($f) {
if($tdcount % 6 == 1) echo "<tr>";
echo '<td><font face="arial" size="1">';
echo '<a href="'.$f.'/index.htm" target="_parent"><img src="'.$d.'/'.$f.'/folder.jpg" border="0"></a></td>';
if($tdcount % 6 == 0) echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
?>How do i make it display each result instead of only the first result.

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