downloading a file as HTML

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

I'm rather confused with forcing a download. I just want to save dynamic content (from $_SESSION[''] data) as a .html file.

The script to do this is a PHP page, but when I click on "download" it downloads as "download.php"

Here's the code:
Code: header("Cache-control: private"); //IE 6 Fix

if (isset($_GET['download']) && $_GET['download']=="true" && isset($_GET['filename']) && $_GET['filename']!="") {

// retrieve content of the file here, e.g. from a database...


// send the header here
header('Content-type: text/plain');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $_GET['filename']);

// put the content in the file

// stop processing the page
It's accessed using: Code: <a href="../outputs/download_as_file.html?download=true&amp;filename=shine_output.html">Download</a>
Any suggestions? I found a good tutorial here: but don't think it'll do what I need to do

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