Match stored value with the current value in a loop

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin


I have a MySQL db were I store articles in.

I have a form to fill these articles, and in that form I can select images who are stored into a directory. Selecting the images works good but the problem is when I want to edit the stored article then the image is not saved and I again have to select it from the selectdropdown box. Basicly I want to match the stored value with the current value in my loop.

Is there a way that the earlier saved image into an article keeps up with the rest from the article but keep it dynamic so if I want to, I still van change the image easy.

My code:

<select name="content_img" id="content_img">
<option value="">
$dirPath = dir('media/images/content');
$imgArray = array();
while (($file = $dirPath->read()) !== false)
if ((substr($file, -3)=="gif") || (substr($file, -3)=="jpg") || (substr($file, -3)=="png"))
$imgArray[ ] = trim($file);
$c = count($imgArray);
for($i=0; $i<$c; $i++) {
$selected = (isset($image) && $image == $imgArray[$i]) ? "selected" : "";
echo "<option value='{$imgArray[$i]}' $selected>{$imgArray[$i]}</option>n";



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