Multiple arrays inside data

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin


Simple question. I have a column called "array" in my database, and inserted into each field is the following imploded array:
Code: mctriangle,570.65,355.1,1,1,0

It is an instance of an object. Each field in each row contains this information as an imploded array.

[0] = Name
[1] = X Axis
[2] = Y Axis
[3] = ScaleX
[4] = ScaleY
[5] = Rotation

When extracted from the database, it is exploded back into the array above.

As you can see, I would need to store a lot of rows for each object. Say we use 200 objects, thats 200 rows, which would be hard to search through.

My question is: Could I store multiple imploded arrays inside 1 row only. E.g:


The above would be 5 objects in one row of data, each imploded array separated by &&. How would I go about doing such a thing?


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