My query is being run with no results.

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

I have this.

Code: function DropUser($duser_id, $user_email, $user_username) {

if(isset($_SESSION['admin_username']) && isset($_SESSION['admin_id']) && isset($_SESSION['admin_session_key'])) {

$this->duser_id = mysql_real_escape_string(trim(addslashes(strip_tags(is_numeric($duser_id)))));
$this->user_email = mysql_real_escape_string(trim(addslashes(strip_tags($user_email))));
$this->user_username = mysql_real_escape_string(trim(addslashes(strip_tags($user_username))));

if(!empty($this->duser_id) && !empty($this->user_email) && !empty($this->user_username)) {

$this->dropusersql = "DELETE FROM `members` WHERE `members`.`user_id` = '$this->duser_id' AND `members`.`username` = '$this->user_username' AND `members`.`emailaddress` = '$this->user_email' LIMIT 1";
$this->run_dropusersql = mysql_query($this->dropusersql) or trigger_error('Query failed: ' . mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR);

$this->removecomplete = '<font color="green"> - The user you select was removed.</font>';

} else {

$this->emptyfields = "<font color='red'> - You have left mandatory fields empty.</font>";


} else {

header('Location: login.php');



(Part of a class). I get the print back (<font color="green"> - The user you select was removed.</font>) but the query isnt deleting the row.

Many thanks,

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