Need help: how to catch acess of undefined class properties

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

Hello. I am learning OO with PHP and have hit a problem.
Some code runs as perfectly valid code, where i would like PHP to issue a warning / error.
I guess this is because of the loose typing of PHP, however this cause real bugs go unnoticed in my code and i am looking for a way to be able to detect this.

The code sample does not produce any warning/error using "error_reporting=E_ALL" with php 5.2.10

Do anyone have a idea or suggestion?

Code: class Objekt
var $foo;
var $bar;

$x = new Objekt();
$x->foo = 4;

$x->baz = 9; //i would like this to cause an warning because "baz" is a undefined property of the Objekt class. but it dont and "baz" is added to the object

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