Retrieving the 25 most recently added entries from all tables in a MySQL databas

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin


The code below works great. It creates a table that shows the 25 most recently added tables to a MySQL database called "sitefeather."

Each one of these tables has the following structure:

Code: id INT(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, site VARCHAR(1000) NOT NULL, action1 BIGINT(9) NOT NULL, action2 BIGINT(9) NOT NULL, createddatetime TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY(id), UNIQUE (site)
I would like to echo a list of "site" and "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" for the 25 most recently added rows, regardless of which table they are in. This may be tricky since the number of tables is variable. Someone advised me that I would have to use a query involving INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES. How can I do this?

Thanks in advance,


Code: echo "<table class="samples">";
$index = mysql_query("select TABLE_NAME from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA='sitefeather' order by CREATE_TIME desc limit 25");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($index))
echo '<tr><td><a href="sitesearch.php?find='.urlencode($row['TABLE_NAME']).'&searching=yes&search=search">'.$row['TABLE_NAME'].'</a></td></tr>';

echo "</table>";

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