Save username into DB

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

OkaY so I got my blog to actually save the posts and whatever, all I need now is for it to keep the right posted. That database is set up to keep post id, title, subject, date, and author. The only problem is author. It won't post the right author, i need it to put the username of the poster in that spot but it either puts nothing or if I put it to ["user"] it puts Array in the field.... so please help, how do I save the username? Here is my code in post.php

<?php include "../config.php"; include "../func.php"; include "../english.php";


if (($_POST['post'])&&($_SESSION["code"]==$_POST["code"])) {
$query="insert into `babys` (`name`, `subject`, `content`, `date`) values('".$name."', '".$subject."', '".$inhoud."', now())";
$result = mysql_query($query);
if ($result) header('Location: index.php');
else msg("Failed.".mysql_error());
} else {


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