Advice for children to eat insects: Research claims - meat is the enemy of the environment, so encourage eating sauce made from insects

Posted on 2nd Jun 2022 by rohit kumar

Researchers from Cardiff University and the University of West England have suggested feeding insects to school-going children instead of meat. Research has claimed – 64 million tons of carbon dioxide are produced from meat and its products.


According to the Daily Mail, these researchers are thinking of experimenting by feeding insects like crickets, and mealworms to children aged 5 to 11 years in four primary schools in Wales. At present, chicken and french fries are quite popular among these children.


Expert has also advised parents


Experts have also advised parents of children in their report to motivate their children to eat insect-based sauces and plant-based things at home. So that children can be given information about saving the environment and they can also get proper nutrition.


Also trying to find ways to make young children aware


A survey was also done on the behavior of children in this project environment. Researchers wanted to know about such methods from this survey. By which children can be motivated to eat insects leaving meat for the environment.


2000 insects in the world are edible


It has been told in this research – there are a total of 2 thousand insects in the world that humans can eat. These insects include certain breeds of flies, crickets, mealworms, and grasshoppers. Research has claimed that all of them are great sources of protein. Let us tell you that insects are eaten in many countries of the world Asia, Latin America, and Africa.


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