Brucellosis bacteria causing hundreds of people getting sick in China

Posted on 22nd Sep 2020 by rohit kumar

On one hand, the world is suffering from the havoc of the coronavirus which spread from Wuhan in China to the world, now on the other hand hundreds of people have been found suffering from a new infection in Lanzhou city of Gansu province, located in the northwestern region of China.


This infection is spread by the brucellosis bacteria and is afflicting a large number of people.


The Chinese government newspaper Global Times quoted the Saint for Disease Control Department of Gansu province as saying that about 3,245 people were infected with the bacteria.


On Monday, 21 thousand people were tested, in which 4,646 people were initially told to be positive. However, this number may be more than expected and the administration and general people are worried about its spread.


According to the newspaper report, 11 government institutions have been given hospital status for free tests and treatment.


What is brucellosis and how does it spread?


Brucellosis is a bacterial disease that mainly infects cows, sheep, pigs, and dogs.


Infection can also occur in humans if they come in contact with an infected animal.


For example, by eating and drinking infected animal products or by inhaling the bacteria present in the air, it reaches the human being.


The World Health Organization says that most of the disease is coming to humans from infected animals without consuming pasteurized milk or cheese.


Very few infections occur from humans to humans.


According to the World Health Organization, this disease has been reported in many countries of the world.


Its treatment is possible. The chain of medicines lasts for one and a half months.


What are the symptoms?

It may take from one week to 2 months for the symptoms of the disease. But often symptoms occur in 2 to 4 weeks.


Its symptoms are fever, sweating, fatigue, loss of appetite, headache, weight loss, and muscle aches.


Many symptoms can last for a long time and some never go away. Such as frequent fever, joint pain, swelling of the testicles, swelling of the heart or liver, mental symptoms, fatigue, depression, etc.


Many times there are very mild symptoms.


How did it start in China?

The bacteria spread after a factory leak in July-August last year.


Expired disinfectants were used in the production of the brucella vaccine meant for the treatment of this bacterium, which led to the release of aerosols infecting the bacteria into the air.


It is said that there is Lanzhou Veterinary Research Institute near it, where these infections spread through the air and the disease started.


What action was taken after this?

The license to produce the vaccine for this factory was canceled by January.


Approval numbers of a total of seven animal drugs in the factory were canceled.


According to ANI, the factory publicly apologized in February and said it had severely punished the eight people found responsible for the case.


The laughing virus has also left its impact

In the same year, the Global Times reported that a person had died on March 23 due to the Hantavirus in China's Greek province.


Laugh virus spreads from mice. If a person touches his face after touching the feces or urine or saliva of mice, then the chances of getting infected with the Huta virus increases.


However, the virus generally does not pass from person to person. It may take one to eight weeks for the infection to be detected.


If a person is infected with laughter, he may suffer from fever, pain, cold, body pain, vomiting.


Laughing can worsen the filling of the lungs and breathing if the condition of the infected person worsens.


In January 2019, nine people infected with Lanta died in Patagonia. After this, tourists were also warned.


According to an estimate then, there were 60 cases of people infected with the Hantavirus, out of which 50 were quarantined.


According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the death rate in the Hantavirus is 38 percent and there is no 'specific treatment' of this disease.

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