Proposing in the Bedroom

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

Make your marriage proposal a very private, intimate experience. Whether it's planned out well in advance or in the heat of the moment, bedroom marriage proposals are intimate, romantic, sensual, and unforgettable.

Ask her while making love. There's nothing more intimate.

Use gourmet body paints and paint the words 'Will you marry me?' across your chest.

Fill the tub to the brim with bubbles and light candles all around. As you relax together in the tub, float a rubber ducky on the water with the ring tied around it's neck. When she notices the ring, ask for her hand in marriage.

Stock up on candles and massage oils and plan a sensual evening giving your sweetie a massage by candle light. As you massage, save her left hand for last and as you massage, slip the ring on and propose.

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