Dealing with a Broken Heart

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 07:03 pm by admin

It has been two years since you have met him and everything was going really perfect. You have talked about your future together, your dreams, and though there were occasional arguments and little fights, you had decided that he was the one for you. However, one day he calls up and says that everything is over between you two and he is no more interested in continuing the relationship with you. In a moment your life has turned upside down, and worse, you do not know the reason for the break up. You try to call him, but are confronted by the answering machine. And then you realize that the person who you thought was your support system is no more there for you and has left you alone for dealing with a broken heart.

A broken heart brings with it a lot of grief and sadness, and it is perfectly natural for a person to feel devastated. But what one has to remember here is that it is not the end of the world. One needs to come to terms with it and bounce back to a normal life. Unfortunately, there is no book that can tell you how to deal with a broken heart or give break up advice, because every person requires his/her time to get over a broken heart. However, there are some ways which can help you in recovering from a broken relationship.

How to Heal a Broken Heart?

When two people are in a relationship, it is very likely that they spend most of the time talking on the phone or chatting. This can become an addiction where you might think that you cannot stay without talking to him/her. However, once you break up with your partner, the first thing you have to do is to shut all the contact with your ex. Many couples end their relationship by saying 'let's be friends'. However, this does not always work, as old memories may start creeping up every time you speak with him/her, leaving you with more pain. So the best thing to do is to stop calling or taking you ex's call, which would help in healing your broken heart.

Isolating yourself for some days can also be helpful to mend a broken heart. During this period, you may be filled with different emotions like anger, frustration, sadness, etc. You may be in an analyzing mode and would think about what went wrong in your relationship. Try to learn from the mistakes, but do not blame yourself for the breakup. Do things that would help you in relieving your emotions. Cry if you want to, as crying is believed to be a good way of easing one's pain.

Though it is necessary to be alone, it does not mean that you have to remain a recluse for the rest of your life. The best people to help you in dealing with a broken heart are your friends and family. Talk to them and let out all your woes, they will surely understand you. Make plans to go out with friends and enjoy.

Another way to get over a broken heart is keeping oneself occupied. If you sit in your room and brood on what happened, you will never be able to come out of it. So, do something that interests you and will keep you busy. Take up a hobby or join some course to learning a new skill, for instance a foreign language class, dance class, etc. Once you start taking interest in some new activity, there would be no time to think about old things.

Shopping is another great idea to get over a relationship break up. Shopping is said to act as a stress buster for women, however it can also be applied to men. You can either go on shopping spree, and if you have enough money, buy something that you always wanted. For instance, a house, car, musical instrument, etc. Indulge and pamper yourself and this will surely make you feel good about yourself.

A broken relationship does not mean that your life is over. Start socializing and you will surely meet new and interesting people who can help you in dealing with a broken heart and forgetting old memories. Every relationship teaches a person important lessons, and counting them as valuable experiences, one should make a fresh beginning.

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