C - Reading a file into a byte array

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin


I'm trying to read a file into a byte array in C. I have to use C as this is for a loadrunner script which is based on the C programming language
The .Net code from the developers I'm basically trying to simulate in C is below. I'm not a C programmer but have done some basic C programming as required in my loadrunner scripts so this is a bit out of my depth. Any help would be very appraciated


/// Loads the file to the upload request.


/// The upload document request.

/// Name of the file.


private void LoadFileToUploadRequest(UploadDocumentRequest uploadDocumentRequest, String fileName)


if (File.Exists(fileName))


FileStream fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);

BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs);

uploadDocumentRequest.Data = br.ReadBytes((int)fs.Length);



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