Check before inserting in DB ???
This is my code
if ( $_POST ['Submit'])
$username = $_POST ['usernm
C - Reading a file into a byte array
I'm trying to read a file into a byte array in C. I have to use C as this is for a loadru
BSP Ext - tableView - Sort - NEWBIE
I have been trying to get the sort to work. I have defined the column definitions by fillin
Data Function is Its Not working IN IE8
This is my first time to use formums. I hope i can get solution for this problem.
view plaincopy to
file_put_contents and createimagefromjpeg
I do somethings and then I have the following code:
While Problem
i am having a problem with a while statement here is the code
Code: [Select]<?php
Help! refer to a friend script with captcha code
Hi guys, I am posting on here in desperate need for some help with an ongoing search I have been doi
Gerenate tabel in Php
I whant to generate a tabel takeing data from database like this one so the results to be display on
Help: calling function
Is it possible to call a php function on page close?
If yes, could you explain how and whe
Issues: PHP Forms -Clearing
I've tried looking online before actually asking for help, but I've been looking for about the past