mysql select with $_get ?

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

Hi, i have this code:
Code: // If char id is 0 and character dont exist do:
if ($_GET["id"] == "0")
die "A character ID can never be 0. This character does not exists or have not been created yet!
Please create a new character first.";

// Get the character stats from the wc_characters table
$charinfo = mysql_query("SELECT CharacterId, class, points, level, xp, reqxp, money, str, agi, inte, sta, backs, chests, feet, hands, helmets, legs, necks, wrists, leftweapons, rightweapons, waists, tinkers, shoulders, rings, profession1, profession2, playerId, hp, mn, armor, dps, rank FROM wc_characters WHERE CharacterId ='$_SESSION[valid_user]'")
or die(mysql_error());
Now for my where clause, i want the ID = the ID the user inputs in the URL, like here:
if ($_GET["id"] == "0")
So if a user gets to a url like ?id=1 it should select where characterid = 1

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