mysql UPDATE request not working and driving me crazy!!!

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin


I have been stuck on this for ages.

Quite simply I am trying to update my database with an update command:

Code: $query="UPDATE `spence13_Portfolio`.`skillsList` SET `skillName` = '$newSkillName' WHERE `skillsList`.`ID` =$id";

This doesn't work even though if I change the line to read:

Code: $query="UPDATE `spence13_Portfolio`.`skillsList` SET `skillName` = '$newSkillName' WHERE `skillsList`.`ID` =7";

..then it does work. The variable $id does equal a number and I even use this code to convert it to an integer just incase it's read as a string:

Code: $id = $_POST[skillsListDropDown]; //this is say 7
$id = ((int)$id);

Can anyone please help me.


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