Navigation include for all site directories

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin


I need a navigation include that can deal with directories at different levels on a site. All I can seem to find are the basic includes for files all in the same directory. This doesn't work for me because as soon as you navigate to a page in a nested directory the relative links don't work.

Is the only option for me to use absolute links? This would cause difficulty as I would need different addresses to achieve the same result on the testing server and remote site.

I also need to be able to identify the current page to style the link. At the moment I am using the code below which is fine whilst everything is in the same directory but introduce nested directories and some links will be reachable with just the $base. But only as long as current page and destination page are in the same directory.

Code: $base=basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
$menu=preg_replace("|<li><a href="".$base."">(.*)</a></li>|U", "<li class="current">$1</li>", $menu);
echo $menu;
I would greatly appreciate your help

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