PHP, jAVASCRIPT setting input values, why isn't it working?

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin


I am calling this javascript:
<script language="javascript">
function set_item_values(x)
document.forms.form1.GetElementById(x).value = "itemcode";


from here, to set other values in the form:
<select name="Product_Pick" size="1" id="Product_Pick" onchange="set_item_values(document.forms.form1.Item_Code)">
do {
<option value="<?php echo $row_Product_Select['Product_Code']?>"><?php echo $row_Product_Select['Product_Code']?> - <?php echo $row_Product_Select['Name']?></option><?php
} while ($row_Product_Select = mysql_fetch_assoc($Product_Select));
$rows = mysql_num_rows($Product_Select);
if($rows > 0) {
mysql_data_seek($Product_Select, 0);
$row_Product_Select = mysql_fetch_assoc($Product_Select);

The value I have in there so far is just a proving string...

It ain't working, but I don't know why, and I am having problems finding a good reference for using php and javascript for working with documents and events in html, so that i can set off a value change to set values for several fields, or perform actions.

Can I have my hand held please and someone get me up and running? I have been programming for 15 years or so and in different languages (from pl1, jcl, pascal, to basic, java) so what I guess a good insight into using variables and syntax would get me going...

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