PHP template help

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

Ok, I don't know if anyone can help me but I am using PHP templates to make a site. I am a newbie and so I am finding this quite difficult so I thought I would ask some folks much better than me.

I have two pages at work here; profile.tpl and profile.php.

The profile page has <Zone> tags in it. I am attempting to pulll a list of contacts from the database and display the picture and user information. This part works fine.

The part I am having trouble with is displaying a different zone if there are no users to associated with the current profile.

I am using a if statement to do this (I did not write this if statement so forgive my ignorance about how it works) and I want an else to take place if there is no contacts that will display an alternative zone.

This is the code from the profile template page:

<ZONE contactsTab enabled>
<div class="dashContent">
<LOOP contactEntity>
<div style="float:left;">
<a href="?L=users.profile&id={}">
<img src="system/image.php?file={contact.mainpicture}" alt="[Picture {150}]" hspace="2" border="0" id="picture" /></a>
<br />
<a href="?L=users.profile&id={}">{contact.username}</a></div>
</LOOP contactEntity>

<ZONE addtocontactstab enabled>
<a href="?L=contacts.adduser&id={}">[Add {user.username} to my contacts list {8225}]</a>
</ZONE addtocontactstab enabled>
<div class="clear"></div>
</ZONE contactsTab enabled>

<ZONE contacts disabled>
<div>This user does not have any contacts at this time.</div>

This is the code from the supporting PHP page:

$userContactsArray = unpk(_fnc("user", $_GET["id"], "contacts"));


if (is_array($userContactsArray)) foreach($userContactsArray as $userContactGroup => $contactsUsersArray) {

if (is_array($contactsUsersArray)) foreach($contactsUsersArray as $contactsUserID) {

$thirdUserContactsArray = unpk(_fnc("user", $contactsUserID, "contacts"));

if (is_array($thirdUserContactsArray) && _fnc("in_multiarray", $thirdUserContactsArray, $_GET["id"])) {

if ($i==0) $tpl->Zone("contactsTab", "enabled");

$contactEntityArray[$i]["contact.username"] = _fnc("user", $contactsUserID, "username");
$contactEntityArray[$i][""] = $contactsUserID;
$contactEntityArray[$i]["contact.mainpicture"] = _fnc("user", $contactsUserID, "mainpicture");




else $tpl ->Zone("contacts", "disabled");

if (isset($contactEntityArray)) $tpl -> Loop("contactEntity", $contactEntityArray);

Any help solving this would be more greatly appreciated

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