Retrieving innerHTML with cURL?

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

Hey all (sorry I know I'm a leecher, but I soon won't be. This is my first PHP project, but not my last ).

I need help with a little problem I am having. I am using cURL to navigate through some pages to validate a login and download some sources there. What I need to do is search through the tags of these sources to parse data within them. For instance

Code: [Select]<table width="195" border="0" align="left" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="data_table">

I need to get that element so that I can get the values inside of the table.

The problem lies in the fact that i am using cURL to do this. since it is not in my document, I cannot say

Code: [Select]document.getElementByTagName('table');

or whatever. I need to make document from the source that I get from the cURL. here is my current code -

Code: [Select] //This is all code which reads the file of the website and puts the information in $data
//I am positive it works because when I echo $data, the information loads (in encoded form)

$data = curl_exec ($ch);
echo $data;
$params = $data->getElementsByTagName('data_table');

Apparently I cannot use $data and then get the elements. Does anyone have any ideas?

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