Table trouble

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

i have been reading the forum for a few weeks and decided to join. i like the format and the advice given is great.

anywho here is my table, the issue i have is that i am displaying pictures from a user on said users profile. pics of items they have within the site.

they are showing fine, trouble is i cant seem to get them to wrap within the page, they are just making the page wider and wider when more pictures are added instead of wrapping and forming a group rather than a line of images screwing up the page dimensions.

any tips of help, im at a total loss and at my wits end trying to make this work.

$col=$db->query("SELECT iv.*,i.*,it.* FROM collections iv LEFT JOIN items i ON iv.collection_itemid=i.itmid LEFT JOIN itemtypes it ON i.itmtype=it.itmtypeid WHERE iv.collection_userid={$r['userid']} ORDER BY i.itmtype ASC");
if ($db->num_rows($inv) == 0)
print "Member has not started a collection";
print "<table width=100% class="table" border="0" cellspacing="1">";
print "n<tr><td><b>{$lt}</b></td></tr>";
if ($i['inv_qty'] > 1)
print"</td><td><img src='colpics/{$i['itmpic']}' height='120' width='120' title='{$i['itmdesc']}'>";

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