Joe Biden's balance was disturbed: US President slipped while climbing the stairs of the plane, held himself by holding the side railing

Posted on 9th Jun 2022 by rohit kumar

A video of US President Joe Biden is going viral on social media. In this video, Biden is seen stumbling while climbing the stairs of the plane. However, he managed himself, and luckily he did not get hurt.


President Joe Biden was going to Los Angeles to give an interview on a TV show. He was climbing the stairs of Air Force One to go to Los Angeles when he lost his balance and stumbled on the stairs. In the video, he was seen rising with the help of his hand.


Biden faltered before


After this, he managed himself and sat inside the plane. Earlier in 2021, a similar incident happened with Joe Biden. He was visiting Atlanta, where he was to meet leaders of the Asian-American community. During that time he stumbled three times.


America's oldest president


Biden is the oldest leader to hold the presidency in America. The 79-year-old Democrat leader was sworn in as President on 20 January 2021. He gained power in America by defeating Republican candidate Donald Trump. Earlier in November 2020, Biden suffered a hairline fracture on his right leg. During that time he was playing with his dog.

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