Trump may break 124-year-old tradition, fears media- President will not congratulate Biden

Posted on 7th Nov 2020 by rohit kumar

The picture of the results after the presidential election in America is almost clear. President Donald Trump is losing. Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden's victory seems certain. For more than a century, there has been a tradition in America that a losing candidate congratulates the winner. This is called a concession or farewell speech.


In this election, bitterness and disdain between the two candidates crossed all limits. Family and personal splatter. Trump did more. There is a discussion in the American media that this time the tradition of concession or Farewell speech will be broken. Trump might not wish Biden a victory.


Example of 1896

Consecration or farewell speech often occurs twice. Many times the same occurred, but since 1896 this is the tradition. Williams Jennings Bryan and William McKinley then competed. There was a lot of splatter. Brian lost, but after the defeat, McKinley greeted him in a sentimental tone via a telegram. It may have been before this, but evidence exists. However, when this tradition started, it was followed till the last election of 2016. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote. Lost by electoral votes. But, he congratulated Trump on the victory.


Why the fear of breaking the tradition?

Let us see two recent examples. To what extent Trump and Biden fired their tongues at each other during the campaign. Trump said - Biden is a mentally ill and sleepy person. He and the whole family are corrupt. They have reached a deal to sell America to China. Biden may look calm and disciplined now, but it was not so during the campaign. Biden said that Trump did not deserve to be president. He is a businessman, also doing business in Corona. It was not a good experience to see his face in the debate.


McCain's 'Gold Concession Speech'

12 years ago Barack Obama defeated Republican John McCain. Became the first African-American president. McCain said in Concession Speech- Listen to the voice of the American people. This is for you Senator Obama will now be our President. We both love this country. I wish Obama's grandmother could see history being made. Our differences were and will remain. I congratulate you on becoming the voice of the people of the country. We stand with you in every difficulty, every happiness, and every sorrow. Go ahead and carry on.


Three examples



Hillary Clinton: Confess and make a future. We consider him our President with an open heart and mind.



Mitt Romney: We cannot divide ourselves and try. We are Americans, not Republicans or Democrats. Obama will take this country forward.



John Carrie: Nobody wins or loses in the US election. The next morning we are just American again. Eliminate feelings of anger or protest.

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