WHO warning: Herd immunity against Covid-19 will take longer to develop, it will only accelerate after vaccine arrival

Posted on 25th Jul 2020 by rohit kumar

It will take a long time for herd immunity to develop against Covid-19, only after the vaccine comes up. The World Health Organization issued this warning on Friday. WHO Chief Scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan said on Friday, Scientists are constantly preparing the vaccine. Relief from Covid-19 is possible next year or after. During this period, the corona will help in reducing the death rate.


Dr. Swaminathan said, to develop herd immunity, 50 to 60 percent of the population should have immunity to fight Covid-19, only then corona infection can be prevented. This will be possible only after vaccination.


Somewhere 5–10 percent and 20 percent antibodies developed.

According to Dr. Swaminathan, many countries affected by Covid-19 have done the research. Research has shown that antibodies were found in only 5 to 10 percent of people. In some countries, it is up to 20 percent. Corona cases are increasing again and again in many countries. Antibodies are developing in people in these countries. I hope that these people will increase their ability to fight against diseases and they will break the chain of infection.


Herd immunity is safer to develop with vaccine


The Chief Scientist said, "Our experts have estimated that to develop herd immunity, antibodies need to be made in 70 to 80 percent of the world's population. Early in the epidemic, Britain introduced a strategy to develop herd immunity. On this, Dr. Swaminathan says that if the herd immunity develops with the vaccine, then it will prove to be safer rather than eliminating the virus from the population.


What is herd immunity, 5 big things


In herd immunity, the word herd means herd, and immunity is the ability to fight against diseases. Herd immunity in this way means that the collective disease resistance of fighting diseases of an entire herd or population is created.

According to this scientific idea, if a disease spreads to a large part of a group, then the immunity of a human being helps the infected people in fighting that disease. During this time, people who are completely cured after fighting the disease, they become 'immune' from that disease. That is, they have immune properties. After this, it is very difficult for the virus to reach others present among the herd. Its spread stops after a boundary. This is being called herd immunity.

Herd immunity is an old method of treating epidemics. In practice, regular vaccines are applied to large populations, making antibodies in people's bodies. As happened with smallpox, measles, and polio. Their vaccine was given to people all over the world and these diseases are almost over now.


Scientists only estimate that herd immunity against the Covid-19 epidemic in a country's population can develop only after the coronavirus has infected about 60 percent of its population. Those patients may have been immunized by making antibodies against him and fighting against him.

According to experts, in the case of Covid-19 infection, 60 to 85 percent of the population will be able to become herd immunity only after coming to immunity. Herd immunity figures are 75 percent in chronic diphtheria, 85 percent in polio, and 95 percent in measles.

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