World Music Day 2023: When and how did Music Day start? Learn History and Theme

Posted on 22nd Jun 2023 by rohit kumar

The day of June 21 is important for all the countries of the world. World Yoga Day is celebrated on this day. Apart from keeping the body healthy, yoga is also helpful for mental health and peace. However, apart from yoga, music can also be a better option to make the mind feel relaxed.


Music makes a person feel relaxed. Music is not just a means of entertainment, but it is also effective for a healthy body and mind. Doctors also consider music beneficial for health. According to studies, music induces changes in the body, which improve health. Music therapy is given to the victims of depression and despair to get them out of it.


World Music Day is celebrated every year to make the world aware of the importance and usefulness of music. World Music Day is celebrated on the 21st of June itself, Yoga Day. Let us know the history, importance, and theme of this year's Music Day.


History of Music Day


World Music Day was first celebrated in 1982 in France. Jacques Lang, the then Cultural Minister of France, had announced to celebrate this day because of people's craze for music. In those days the music day was called 'Fête la Musica'.


How was the first Music Day celebrated?


The first Music Day celebrated in 1982 got the support of more than 32 countries. Many programs were organized during this period. Since then, Italy, Greece, Russia, America, Britain, Australia, Peru, Brazil, Ecuador, Mexico, Canada, Japan, China, Malaysia, and all the countries of the world celebrate World Music Day every year on 21 June.


musical theme



Every year World Music Day has a special theme. Last year, the theme of Music Day 2022 was 'Music At Intersections'.


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