BB_Code error

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

I'm having a problem with a custom built function and keep getting this error:

Warning: Missing argument 1 for BB_Code::BB_Code(), called in /home/cra10002/public_html/mooglebook/input.php on line 21 and defined in /home/cra10002/public_html/mooglebook/function.php on line 4

Fatal error: Call to undefined method BB_Code::parse() in /home/cra10002/public_html/mooglebook/input.php on line 22

the fuction code is this:
Code: <?php
function BB_Code($text) {
$text = " " . $text;
if (! (strpos($text, "[") && strpos($text, "]")) ) {
return $text;
else {
$text = preg_replace("/\[b\](.+?)[/b]/is",'<b>1</b>', $text);
$text = preg_replace("/\[i\](.+?)[/i]/is",'<i>1</i>', $text);
$text = preg_replace("/\[u\](.+?)[/u]/is",'<u>1</u>', $text);
$text = preg_replace("/[s](.+?)[/s]/is",'<s>1</s>', $text);
$text = preg_replace("/\[sub\](.+?)[/sub]/is",'<sub>1</sub>', $text);
$text = preg_replace("/\[sup\](.+?)[/sup]/is",'<sup>1</sup>', $text);
$text = preg_replace("/\[tt\](.+?)[/tt]/is",'<tt>1</tt>', $text);

$text = eregi_replace("\[img]([^\[]*)\[/img\]","<img src="\1">",$text);
$text = eregi_replace("\[size([^\[]*)\]([^\[]*)\[/size\]","<font size="\1px">\2</font>",$text);
$text = eregi_replace("\[font([^\[]*)\]([^\[]*)\[/font\]","<font face="\1">\2</font>",$text);
$text = eregi_replace("\[color=([^\[]*)\]([^\[]*)\[/color\]","<font color="\1">\2</font>",$text);
$text = eregi_replace("\[align=([^\[]*)\]([^\[]*)\[/align\]","<div align="\1">\2</div>",$text);
$text = eregi_replace("\[email=([^\[]*)\]([^\[]*)\[/email\]","<a href="mailto:="\1">\2</a>",$text);
$text = eregi_replace("\[email=([^\[]*)\]([^\[]*)\[/email\]","<a href="\1">\2</a>",$text);
return $text;
and this is the part of the other code thats causing the problem, this script works fine before this line was posted and an attmpt to make bb code to html tag.

Code: $parse_text = BB_Code($comment);
If anyone can help me around this problem I would be greatful
Thank you

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