ctype() validation - allowing illegal characters

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

I use ctype() to filter and validate a user form. However, I am trying to allow certain characters.


Code: //Validate Copay
$allow = array('$', '.');

if (!empty($copay) && strlen($copay) < 6 || strlen($copay) > 8) { // IF copay is not empty and not between 6 and 8 characters
$error .= 'COPAY has a maximum of 8 characters. An example of a maximum $0000.00, and a minimum $00.00.<br />';
$output_form = true;

if (!empty($copay) && !ctype_digit(str_replace($allow), '', $copay)) { // IF copay is not empty and contains illegal characters (Allow $ and .)
$error .= 'COPAY contains illegal characters.<br />';
$output_form = true;
With this example, my test comes back containing illegal characters. I've tried changing it here and there, but get the same results. Thank you!

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