Displaying Column Names

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

I have a question regarding the ability to show the column names from my table/query.
What I'm looking to do is to be able to have my users enter their own query via a builder (Which I haven't built yet).
I've found a little test script from the net but it shows them in an array.

My code is
Code: [Select]<?php



$result = mysql_query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `messages`");

if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {


Which outputs
QuoteArray ( [Field] => msg_id [Type] => int(11) [Null] => NO [Key] => PRI [Default] => [Extra] => auto_increment ) Array ( [Field] => msg_to [Type] => varchar(99) [Null] => NO [Key] => [Default] => [Extra] => ) Array ( [Field] => msg_from [Type] => varchar(99) [Null] => NO [Key] => [Default] => [Extra] => ) Array ( [Field] => msg_subject [Type] => varchar(255) [Null] => NO [Key] => [Default] => [Extra] => ) Array ( [Field] => msg_body [Type] => text [Null] => NO [Key] => [Default] => [Extra] => ) Array ( [Field] => read_flg [Type] => varchar(3) [Null] => NO [Key] => [Default] => off [Extra] => ) Array ( [Field] => sent_date [Type] => varchar(255) [Null] => NO [Key] => [Default] => [Extra] => )

Is there a way to have the field names come out of the array so that I can do something like?
Code: [Select]<table>
etc ...

Thanks all.

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