Form errors in an array

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

I'm processing a form and putting the errors in an array. empty($errors) doesn't seem to do the trick when trying to check to see if the array is empty. Is my understanding of empty()incorrect? Each item is the array is either a string, the error message, or FALSE.

Can anyone help me figure out how to move into my if statement?

Code: <?php
// check fields
$errors = array();
$errors['the_date'] = (empty($the_date)) ? '<span class="error">Please choose a date.</span>' : FALSE;
$errors['first_name'] = (empty($first_name)) ? '<span class="error">Please fill in your first name.</span>' : FALSE;
$errors['last_name'] = (empty($last_name)) ? '<span class="error">Please fill in your last name.</span>' : FALSE;
$errors['email'] = (empty($email) || !preg_match("/^w+([-+.]w+)*@w+([-.]w+)*.w+([-.]w+)*(([,]|[,])s*w+([-+.]w+)*@w+([-.]w+)*.w+([-.]w+)*)*$/", $email)) ? '<span class="error">Please fill in a valid email address.</span>' : FALSE;
$errors['phone'] = (empty($phone)) ? '<span class="error">Please provide your phone number.</span>' : FALSE;
$errors['emergency_contact'] = (empty($emergency_contact)) ? '<span class="error">Please provide an emergency contact.</span>' : FALSE;
$errors['emergency_phone'] = (empty($emergency_phone)) ? '<span class="error">Please provide an emergency phone number.</span>' : FALSE;
$errors['major_interest'] = (empty($major_interest)) ? '<span class="error">Please pick a major of interest.</span>' : FALSE;
$errors['activity1'] = (empty($activity1)) ? '<span class="error">Please select a morning activity.</span>' : FALSE;
$errors['activity2'] = (empty($activity2)) ? '<span class="error">Please select a morning activity.</span>' : FALSE;
$errors['activity3'] = (empty($activity3)) ? '<span class="error">Please select an afternoon activity.</span>' : FALSE;
$errors['activity4'] = (empty($activity4)) ? '<span class="error">Please select an afternoon activity.</span>' : FALSE;
$errors['interests'] = (empty($interests)) ? '<span class="error">Please list your interests.</span>' : FALSE;
$errors['accomodations'] = (empty($accomodations)) ? '<span class="error">Please answer.</span>' : FALSE;
$errors['acknowledgement'] = (!(strcmp($acknowledgement, 'I understand') == 0)) ? '<span class="error">Please type the indicated response.</span>' : FALSE;

// does the email exist? did they already register?
$errors['checkEmail'] = checkEmail($email);

if (empty($errors))
header('Location: thankyou.php');
//$sql = "INSERT INTO ...";

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