Hit counter updating once per IP - IP HIT COUNTER

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

I have a hit counter, for the amount of views on a tutorial.
It'll do the query and then do..
$views = $row['views'] + 1;
Then insert $views into the database.

This updates the view for each refresh of the page, and more than once per IP.
I am confused as to how I'll check for IP. When a tutorial is posted, it has the IP of the person who posted it aswell as their username.
If I checked if the IP isn't in the database on that tutorial, to ip view status. That means that the person who posted the tutorial couldn't update the view on there.. visit to there tutorial. Though other visitors could update the view status on each refresh.

I am not sure how to do it. The database table has these fields:
Username Tutname Tutorial TimePosted IP Views

Any idea how I'd do it so that "Views" updates by +1 ONCE per visit by IP.

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