Inserting into MySQL Newbie

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

Hi ive got a slight problem where ive made a simple web form where the customer inserts the ammount of tickets and then enters their personal details... then this form does the post method and it then comes up with the confirmation page with all the calculations and how much it is going to cost including postage... All that works fine... When i press the send button to send it to the database and give a message 'order recieved' i get this error...

'Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'order (qty_child,qty_adult,adult_cost,child_cost, postage,c_name, h_name, town, ' at line 1'

Right heres the code for the First page
Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Buy your tickets</title>

<form action="includes/confirm.php" method="post">
Adult Ticket:
<br />
Quantity:<input type="text" size="5" name="qty_adult" id="Adult Ticket" /> <br /><br />

Child Ticket:
<br />
Quantity:<input type="text" size="5" name="qty_child" id="Child Ticket" /> <br /><br />

Customer Details:
<br />
Name:<br /><input type="text" size="50" name="c_name" id="Customer Name" /> <br /><br />
House Name / Number:<br /><input type="text" size="50" name="h_name" id="House Name" /> <br /><br />
Town:<br /><input type="text" size="50" name="town" id="Town Name" /> <br /><br />
County:<br /><input type="text" size="50" name="county" id="County" /> <br /><br />
Post Code:<br /><input type="text" size="50" name="p_code" id="Post Code" /> <br /><br />
Email Address:<br /><input type="text" size="50" name="email" id="Email" /> <br /><br />
Phone Number:<br /><input type="text" size="50" name="p_num" id="Phone Number" /> <br /><br />

<input type="submit" />
Heres my confirmation page:
Code: <title>Order Confirmation</title>
<form action="send.php" method="post">

======= === ======*/

# Display Adult Order
if ($qty_adult > 0 )
echo "You ordered ". $qty_adult . " adult tickets.<br />";
echo "The cost of the tickets is £" .number_format ($calcItem,2) . "<br />";
echo "and the postage is £" .number_format ($calcPost,2) . "<br /><br />";

if ($qty_child == 0)
echo "Which gives you a total of £" .number_format ($calcTotal,2) . "<br /><br /> ";

# Display Child Order
if ($qty_child > 0 )
echo "You ordered ". $qty_child . " child tickets.<br />";
echo "The cost of the tickets is £".number_format ($calcChild,2) . "<br />";
echo "and the postage is £".number_format ($calcChildPost,2) ."<br /><br/>";

echo "Which gives you a total of £" .number_format ($calcAll,2) . "<br /> ";

# If nothing is ordered

if ($qty_child && $qty_adult = 0)
echo "Please choose the ammount of tickets you require before carrying on";

echo "<br/>";
echo "Name : " .$c_name ;
echo "<br/>";
echo "House name / Number: " .$h_name ;
echo "<br/>";
echo "Town: " .$town ;
echo "<br/>";
echo "County: " .$county ;
echo "<br/>";
echo "Post Code: " .$p_code ;
echo "<br/>";
echo "Email: " .$email ;
echo "<br/>";
echo "Phone Number: " .$p_num ;
echo "<br/>";
echo "<br/>";
<input type="submit" />

Heres my helper file with all the calculations and what not:
Code: <?php
# Calculation VARS
$qty_adult = $_POST['qty_adult'];
$qty_child = $_POST['qty_child'];
$a_ticket = $_POST['a_ticket'];
$c_ticket = $_POST['c_ticket'];
$a_price = 25;
$c_price = 0;
$p_price = 1.50;
$calcItem = totalItem($qty_adult, $a_price);
$calcPost = totalPost($qty_adult, $p_price);
$calcTotal = total($calcItem, $calcPost);
$calcChildPost = totalChildPost ($qty_child, $p_price);
$calcAll = totalAll ($calcItem,$calcChildPost,$calcPost);
$calcChild = totalChild ($qty_child, $c_price);

# Customer Detail Input VARS
$c_name = $_POST['c_name'];
$h_name = $_POST['h_name'];
$town = $_POST['town'];
$county = $_POST['county'];
$p_code = $_POST['p_code'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$p_num = $_POST['p_num'];


# Calculates the Item total for the adults
function totalItem($price, $qty)
$totalItem = ($price * $qty);
return $totalItem;

# Calculates the Postage total for the adults
function totalPost($postage, $qty)
$totalPost = ($postage * $qty);
return $totalPost;

# Calculates the Order Total for the adults
function total($item, $post)
$total = ($item + $post);
return $total;

# Calculates the Order Total for childrens
function totalChildPost($childQty, $childPost)
$totalChildPost = ($childQty * $childPost);
return $totalChildPost;

# Calculates the Order Total for childrens
function totalChild($childQty, $childCost)
$totalChild = ($childQty * $childCost);
return $totalChild;

# Calculates the Order Total
function totalAll($adult, $child, $postA)
$totalAll = ($adult + $child + $postA );
return $totalAll;
And lastly and the most problematic is the sql :
Code: <?php
$con = mysql_connect("localhost","username","password");
if (!$con)
die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());

mysql_select_db("tickets", $con);

# Order
"INSERT INTO order (qty_child,qty_adult,adult_cost,child_cost, postage,c_name, h_name, town, county, p_code, email, p_num)
('$_POST[qty_child]','$_POST[qty_adult]','$_POST[calcItem]','$_POST[calcChild]','$_POST[calcAll]','$_POST[c_name]', '$_POST[h_name]', '$_POST[town]', '$_POST[county]', '$_POST[p_code]', '$_POST[email]', '$_POST[p_num])";

if (!mysql_query($sql,$con))
die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
echo "Order Recieved";


Any help would be greatfull... Or if someone could point me in the right direction that would be great....


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