Install page

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

How do I make it so when a user submits information on the Install page, it'll right it into the correct file. I can do the forms and $_POST, but I need it so that it actually works.

Current stuff in my config.php file:


$disabled = "0"; //Disable all posting and logging in? 1 for yes, 0 for no

//Database information for your database
$dbhost = ""; //Database hostname
$dbuser = ""; //Database username
$dbpassword = ""; //Database password
$db = ""; //The database your selecting

//The name of your site
$sitetitle = "CommentBB";

//Your site link (MAKE SURE NO /'s are include!) Example: (THATS ALL YOU NEED, NO HTTP OR trailing slash )
$link = "";

//Site owner (So the site owner has a crown next to his/hers name when they comment/post)
$owner = "Master";

//ACP password
$apass = "";

//Mod CP password
$mpass = "";

//Admin crowns
$acrown = "crown_gold.gif";

//Moderator crowns
$mcrown = "mod_silver.gif";


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