Multiple if statements

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

Ok so seems basic but for some reason I'm not doing it right. What I want is to be able to have 2 separate if statements in the same php document. What I've done is this:

Code: if ($p1=='on' AND $p2=='')
$include = " AND points >= '$pointsmin'";
else if ($p1=='' AND $p2=='on')
$include = " AND points <= '$pointsmax'";
else if ($p1=='on' AND $p2=='on')
$include = " AND points BETWEEN '$pointsmin' AND '$pointsmax'";
else if ($p1=='' AND $p2=='')
$include = "";
*/Second if statement/*
if {$k =='on'}
$betweenclause = "x BETWEEN $xLow AND $xHigh AND y BETWEEN $yLow AND $yHigh";
else if {$x=='on' AND $y==''}
$betweenclause = "x BETWEEN $x1 AND $x2";
(The comment in there is not actually in my code so don't worry about it)

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