PHP switch function help

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

Hi, I am trying to create a search function for a directory website. On the search function on html page I have a dropdown menu. From this you can select one OF 3 options - shoes, handbags, shoes and handbags. I have a php process form page where it takes this infor before runninng a query in the sql database.

My question is that I would like the one option to have multiple values - when user clicks shoes, the query will search for a field containing shoes (this bit is fine) but also I want it to select another field to search for a value - this field will depend upon the what option the user picked in the question. The problem being, that unless i rename the fields in the table from lets say, Sbrand to Shoes and Hbrand to handbags i'm not sure how to action

What I need is that if value on option was shoe then I need it linked to pick from Sbrand Now I think that I can use a switch function but the current issue is that I must have it in the wrong place as when I tried it as per below code, it appears that the search is looking for a field called the option value so the switch is not working. Perhaps I need to move the switch function from the php process page to the html page but I’m not sure

Any help much appreciated

HTML code………… this works on a method=”get”

<select name="type">
<option value="none">-- Please Select --</option>
<option value="Shoes">Shoes</option>
<option value="Handbags">Handbags</option>
<option value="Shoes and Handbags">Shoes and Handbags</option>

Here’s the PHP code

switch ($type){
case "Shoes":
echo "Sbrand";
case "Handbags":
echo "Hbrand";
case "Shoes and Handbags":
echo "SHbrand";

$result=$db->query("SELECT Sbrand, Hbrand, SHbrand, SB, Retailer, Address, Town, County, Postcode, Postcode_code, Phone, Website FROM database WHERE SB LIKE 'type' AND $search_type LIKE '%$searchterm%'");

Any help much appreciated as i am new to this

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