Reditecting pages based on logic

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

Newbie here, apologies in advance!

I am trying to use the header function to forward one of any number of locations (taken from a db) based on the value of a response param:

Quote<?php include '../include/db/db-open.php'; ?>
$postTypeId = $_POST['postTypeId'];
$postTypesResults = $mysqli->query("select id, editPageUrl from post_types where active = 1");
<?php include '../include/db/db-close.php'; ?>
while ($postTypesResult = $postTypesResults->fetch_object()) {
if ($postTypesResult->id == $postTypeId) {
header("Location: ".$postTypesResult->editPageUrl);

The value of $postTypeId is always blank if echoed (explining why the condition to forward is never met).

Two questions:
Is there anything obvious I am doing wrong causing $postTypeId to always be blank?Can the header function be used in this way?

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