TemplatePower & AJAX

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

Hi all,

I'm currently implementing some AJAX features in my PHP-framework (which is based on TemplatePower) and I have encountered a problem:

I have a block which holds a message-div. This block is called upon (with the ->newBlock() method) by my message class. This way of showing message has worked great up until now (because every time a message should been shown, the page should be reloaded anyway).

But now I want to show a message when I click on a checkbox WITHOUT reloading the page. As I expected I received following error:
Code: [Select]Fatal error: Call to a member function newBlock() on a non-object in /home/www.myurl.com/message.php on line 28

And on line 28 i call $tpl->newBlock("MESSAGE"); where $tpl is an instance of TemplatePower.

As I didn't find a clear tutorial/solution for this via Google I'm presenting this problem to you guys: Is there an easy way to keep my current structure (with the template blocks) and let AJAX make use of this? Or should I rethink the structure?


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