problems with search form numerical "between" sending by php
I am trying to display the results of a search, on a sql database, on a web page. I set up html &quo
Interpret Order
Hello all,
I'm wondering if I have this:
Code: $switch = array(
'one' =>
asp authentication problem
Hello all,
I want to use the asp authentication (from configuration) in my web site. there
php/xmlrpc class issue
I am working on xml-rpc in php to start with.
I have a class that only has variables defined
Javascript form submit and radio buttons?
When this form is submitted, it is automatically resubmitted using JS.
All my fields are carr
Problem with Sending Mail by PHP
hello all,
I m new to php, can u plz provide me the code to send mail by php having CAPTC
how to query data from website using VC?
I want to query some datum from a website,so I need a program to read data from a .csv file, and ass
Warehouse Management
On our system, we have two storage locations ( A and B ) where A is the main factory
Serial number of exernal hard disk/Thumbdrive
Hi guys,
I am new tio java networking concepts.Please tel me how to get Serial
number of exernal
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