Turning Data into URLs?

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

This may seem very basic to you, but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to do this since I don't even know what the proper term for it is:

Background info:
Animals Table - animalid, name, photo, achievementname, price, resale, levelid, description
Achievement Table - achievementid, achievementname, photo, xprequired, rewardname, description
Levels Table - levelsid, name, xprequired, description
Rewards Table - rewardid, rewardname, desciption

What I want to do is have my animals.php page pull up the MySQL Animals Table (already done) and have all the animal's achievementsid values link to a new page detailing that specific achievement (achievement.php). In turn, that achievement page would show the rewardid value that would link to a page detailing that specific reward (reward.php)

Animals.php shows a table with:
1-Horse--horse.png-Yee Haw!-1,000$-250$-1-A horse is a horse of course!

I want Yee Haw! to display as a link that would open up a php page that would show information relating to that specific achievement, ignoring all other achievements.

This would work in the same vein as this website: http://farmville.aweblog.net/almanac/animals/all-animals

I assume in being correct that I would have to call the result of that value into a variable that would be passed on as a cookie to another php file but I have not idea where or how to start on that.

My loop looks like this (shortened due to repetition):
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>" .$row['idAnimal']. "</td>";
echo "<td><img src='".$url.$row['photoAnimal']."' height='50px' width='50px'></td>";
echo "<td>" .$row['nameAnimal']. "</td>";
echo "<td>" .$row['nameCategory']. "</td>";
echo "</tr>";

Assuming I wanted each animal name to link to a detailed animal page, what would I do? Can anyone give me some pointers or point me to a good resource for this kind of information? Googling is pointless as I don't know what terms I should be using...

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