Earthquake: Earth shakes for the second time in 24 hours in Andaman and Nicobar, know the intensity of the earthquake

Posted on 3rd Sep 2022 by rohit kumar

Earthquake tremors were felt in the Andaman and Nicobar islands in the early hours of Saturday. The magnitude of the earthquake was 4.4 on the Richter scale. The National Center for Seismology (National Center for Seismology) gave this information.


The depth of the earthquake was 70 km. It came at 106 km ENE from Port Blair, the capital of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The earthquake occurred at 6.59 pm 58 seconds.


Let us tell you, earlier, on September 2, at 12:43 am, earthquake tremors were felt here. The earthquake measured 4.9 on the Richter scale.


The depth of the earthquake was 10 km. The epicenter of the earthquake was 108 km NNE from Diglipur. However, no casualty or damage has been reported by the authorities so far.


Let us tell you, on September 2, earthquake tremors were also felt in Afghanistan. The magnitude of the earthquake was 4.0. The epicenter of the earthquake was 123 km WSW from Faizabad. Its depth was 120 km. The earthquake occurred at 10:50 pm.


In addition, a 4.9 magnitude earthquake was felt in Kabul. The depth of the earthquake was 120 km. Its center was 156 km north of Kabul.


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