Global Warming: Poor countries are facing heavy emissions by rich countries

Posted on 9th Nov 2022 by rohit kumar

Unforeseen conditions created by climate change are no longer a hidden fact. The whole world is facing them. There is also one side of this problem that the poor countries which have played the least role in the emission of greenhouse gases, today they are the most at risk.


Indeed, a select few developed and high-income countries have emitted heavily and still do. The frequency of natural disasters is also increasing continuously due to climate change. However, being financially prosperous, these rich countries are more able to face this crisis. On the other hand, poor countries, despite having a nominal share in emissions, are on the verge of crisis, because their economic condition is not capable of handling any kind of natural disaster. Share of countries of different income groups in total carbon dioxide emissions globally since 1850


The University of Natre Dame has told through an index what is the position of countries in terms of income on the scale of emissions and climate change crisis.


Wealthy countries had promised $100 billion annually to tackle climate change by 2020, but the promise has not yet been fulfilled.


This summer, Pakistan witnessed massive flooding cases. Scientists believe that this is happening due to climate change.


Many small island countries are at risk due to rising sea levels. Despite having historically low emissions, these countries are on the verge of disaster today.

With a nominal share of emissions, Somalia is the most endangered country.


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