Sony scraps The Interview released after hackers threat.

Posted on 20th Dec 2014 by rohit kumar verma quoted chun said, “I cannot speak for everyone but my sense is that we made a great film, we had so much fun doing it, audiences loved it at the preview and it is very disappointing that audiences who we made the film are not going to able to enjoy it the way it was intended.”


As a sony released a statement following reports that north korea was indeed and responsible for hacking, it read as “Those who attacked us stole our intellectual property, private emails and sensitive and proprietary material and sought to destroy our spirit and our morale- all apparently to thwart the release of a mobie they did not like.”



Chun further added and said, “I feel like this is North Korea’s fear intimidating our freedom and I hope we as an entertainment community and as a free society learn the lesson to really protect our free way of life so that we are not intimidated again.”

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