Calculating a rating by adding number of points and dividing by number of items

Posted on 16th Feb 2014 by admin

I have a site that users can post links to files to download. They can rate these files on a 1-5 scale. I had someone make a Top Rated section for the site, to show the user with the highest rating for their links. However, it just adds a total of points, i.e. if the user has 3 links rated 5/5, their points are 15, if a user has 10 links rated 5/5, their points are 50. It displays the rating based on the number of points, but I would like it to divide the number of points by the number of links. Here is the section of code that deals with the rating calculation, I just don't know enough about syntax to figure out how to divide by the other variable.

Code: (xml) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<select id="getTopPoster" resultClass="array">
select username, count(linkid) as linkposted from link group by username order by linkposted desc limit 5

<select id="getTopRated" resultClass="array">
select username, sum(rate) as point from link where rate<>-1 group by username order by point desc limit 5
I know it is xml code, but I didn't know where else to put it, the rest of the site is built using Prado

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