Converting numbers to months
The porgram works -just need the last function(month_convert_ to convert numbers to months -thanks.
problems with script
I made a small script wich exchanges points in my website:
Help to integrate whois Domain Details to website
can i know is their any php script r methods to add domain details to my website.
The control with ID 'ace' requires a ScriptManager on the page
I'm trying to add a simple AlwaysVisibleControlExtender to my page, but it's not working. I get the
PHP, jAVASCRIPT setting input values, why isn't it working?
I am calling this javascript:
<script language="javascript">
HOW to get the bind variables list.
I've the following problem : I've some SQL queries stored in my DB as VARCHAR2 values.
I need t
Redirect not working after making a POST/GET
Hi Everyone,
I am a novice in PHP. Here I have 2 pages, one page with a textbox and button an
Echoing If Function?
A script I am using has If statements in the comments form to basically tell the form what to do. Cu
User information
Hi All,
By using t-code SUIM we get all the user details,if suppose we donot have permission t
Help: problem with Headers to download PDF file
I'm trying to implement a script where when a user clicks a link he gets a PDF file to op